Silent Night [MOTW #13]
By Casualmind
James got a job to search a stolen file in the big containers ship. He need to sneak out trough the ship like assasin. Mission will end in Daylight the reward is a New Gun and $100.000.
PS : This is an old mission from me. There are a lot of grammar mistakes inside it because that time I'm still learning about English. Hope you enjoy!
James got a job to search a stolen file in the big containers ship. He need to sneak out trough the ship like assasin. Mission will end in Daylight the reward is a New Gun and $100.000.
PS : This is an old mission from me. There are a lot of grammar mistakes inside it because that time I'm still learning about English. Hope you enjoy!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jun 28 '16
- Views
- 1028
- Downloads
- 1572
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 41
- Actors
- 68
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 14
- Objects
- 3

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