Level: A Basic Test - 2
By Casualmind

2. Robada Mount
Hint of mission:
follow the road to reach the finish. Caution! :
- becarful if you turn right in the front of the bridge some of you if your begginer will be to clash the wall of mountain.
- brake your speed before you reach finish. if you making speed in there, you will be jump into the street.
best time is 37 seecond. make it faster than me!
Hint of mission:
follow the road to reach the finish. Caution! :
- becarful if you turn right in the front of the bridge some of you if your begginer will be to clash the wall of mountain.
- brake your speed before you reach finish. if you making speed in there, you will be jump into the street.
best time is 37 seecond. make it faster than me!
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- Last Update
- Sep 08 '13
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- 1030
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- Objectives
- 12
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- Cars
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- Pickups
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- Objects
- 6

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