Level: A Basic Test - 7
By Casualmind

7. Race in the middle
Hint of Mission:
- becarful of the people car, some of people can stop or any fighting in the street so, making it clean and don't make your car crash.
best score is 2:01 minutes. this is the long route so, keep patiently and faster to complete the test.
Hint of Mission:
- becarful of the people car, some of people can stop or any fighting in the street so, making it clean and don't make your car crash.
best score is 2:01 minutes. this is the long route so, keep patiently and faster to complete the test.
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- Last Update
- Sep 08 '13
- Views
- 981
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- 1661
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Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 21
- Actors
- 0
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 0
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- 0

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