Breaking the Z - Chapter 1
By thegtaman531
In a future where everything seems near-perfect - there is only one flaw - life ends at 40.
In this future there is a location you go where you pass on called the Passing House, once you reach 40. The government has brainwashed the people to convince them that their time is up and they must go to the Passing House. This is the governments sick way of handling population. Scott Maddison has recently reached 40, and he is unaffected by the governments brainwashing method. Scott must join those who are also immune, and bring down Operation Z.
In this future there is a location you go where you pass on called the Passing House, once you reach 40. The government has brainwashed the people to convince them that their time is up and they must go to the Passing House. This is the governments sick way of handling population. Scott Maddison has recently reached 40, and he is unaffected by the governments brainwashing method. Scott must join those who are also immune, and bring down Operation Z.
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Added by The professional on Nov 29 2013, 08:51
Great storyline :)
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