DYOM » StoryLines » Military Story (MISSION PACK)

Military Story (MISSION PACK)

By Martincho

This pack includes the 24 missions of Military Story :3 completed

For more information you have the forum thread: http://gtaforums.com/topic/568534-military-story-mp/


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Last Update
Sep 16 '13


Rated 1 times, Average 5

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PLAYmilitary storyglauberMay 26 2014, 23:49
"military story"
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Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Sep 18 2013, 21:58
That's what I'm waiting hehehe, Your series is soo cool!.. :D.. This is a good Pack Missions. :D
Added by Martincho on Sep 19 2013, 00:22
Hahaha thanks man :)
Your series are amazing too :) I've played half of your missions and they were amazing, and also you're new here and you reached lots of downloads only with 4 missions i remember; you're great :3
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Sep 21 2013, 02:10
Hahahahaha, Owww That's Rigth, Your missions are sooo goood too!.. I love play Military Story a lot of times! .. ahaha!..
Added by Martincho on Sep 21 2013, 04:35
Haha, i really appreciate what you say :3
It's the craziest story i've ever made since i'm in DYOM
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Sep 21 2013, 18:06
Crazy but awesomee!... And that's great!
Added by Huzaifa on Dec 31 2013, 14:49
Hey man awesome story:-D
Added by glauber on May 26 2014, 23:48
Added by gamer49 on Apr 25 2015, 23:08
good map pack
Added by Martincho on Jun 12 2015, 23:53
Thanks Guys :)
Added by Unidentified on Aug 19 2015, 00:01
Hey Martincho.Great Missions.I have only played chapters 1 to 6 but on seventh chapter afte Lars have to go to the surface when he receives a call from CJ,the game crashes.Can you help?Is it my game or it crashes on everyone?

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