Mortal Kombat: Jhonny Cage - Mision 1

Capitulo 1: Jhonny Cage [Primera Parte]
Shao Kahn El emperador del mundo exterior quiere conquistar nuestro mundo, Pero para ello primero debe ganar el Torneo Mortal y asi hacerce con la energia del reino de la tierra.
Solo los defensores elegidos para esto:
Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya, Jax, Jhonny Cage, entre otros.. podran defender el plan malevolo!
Podras derrotar a las fuerzas de el mundo exterior, e inpedir que conquisten tu mundo?
"El Kombate Mortal, empieza ahora...!"
Shao Kahn El emperador del mundo exterior quiere conquistar nuestro mundo, Pero para ello primero debe ganar el Torneo Mortal y asi hacerce con la energia del reino de la tierra.
Solo los defensores elegidos para esto:
Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya, Jax, Jhonny Cage, entre otros.. podran defender el plan malevolo!
Podras derrotar a las fuerzas de el mundo exterior, e inpedir que conquisten tu mundo?
"El Kombate Mortal, empieza ahora...!"
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 11 '13
- Views
- 1261
- Downloads
- 1804
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 7
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 74
- Actors
- 40
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 18

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Added by ryder nigga on Dec 08 2013, 01:16
why you not make it in english
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Dec 08 2013, 01:18
'Cause, I want to do a Spanish Series... With my Lenguage, But I'm making another English Series... But, Did you like this missions?..
Added by Target13 on Dec 11 2013, 22:30
I Thought, You were ripping off my Modern Combat MP. Until i remember that Mortal Kombat is a fighting game.
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Dec 11 2013, 23:35
What are you trying to say?! I don't understand your sugestion....
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Dec 11 2013, 23:38
Man, Look.. I just bought Mortal Kombat 9 for my PC... the story is really good... and I want to make it in DYOM... any problem?!
Added by J0hnN on Dec 13 2013, 15:40
Hey,man,I really like your mission....and doesn't matter that isn't english!Way'to go!But...I would want an english mission too,plz,if you can do it! :)
Added by Herok ! on Jun 03 2014, 03:50
Muy buena misión amigo!
5 estrellas
Continua haciendo misiones en español son muy buenas! :)
5 estrellas
Continua haciendo misiones en español son muy buenas! :)
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