Long Theft Auto: Final Mission

The final mission of Long Theft Auto: "Going through all limits"
Time to take Kevin out of the power. Now, it's war...
The conclusion mission will come today or tomorrow, with a soundtrack and the credits, more the final of the story of Mark, Martin and Staff.
THBP, work in progress
Time to take Kevin out of the power. Now, it's war...
The conclusion mission will come today or tomorrow, with a soundtrack and the credits, more the final of the story of Mark, Martin and Staff.
THBP, work in progress
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 12 '13
- Views
- 4085
- Downloads
- 2568
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 98
- Actors
- 74
- Cars
- 18
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 46

SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | The conclusion | THBP | Dec 14 2013, 00:27 | 0 |
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Added by THBP on Dec 14 2013, 00:30
The conclusion out now on the video.
Please, watch the video AFTER play the mission, because the scenes in the videos happens AFTER the scenes of the mission.
Now, the Long Theft Auto story it's OVER!
Again, if you have some suggestion, criticism, question, leave your comment, it's very important for future stories.
THBP, work in progress
Please, watch the video AFTER play the mission, because the scenes in the videos happens AFTER the scenes of the mission.
Now, the Long Theft Auto story it's OVER!
Again, if you have some suggestion, criticism, question, leave your comment, it's very important for future stories.
THBP, work in progress
Added by THBP on Dec 14 2013, 00:32
I'm sorry, I'm wrong... First, PLAY THE MISSION, after you WATCH THE VIDEO. Now it's okay.
THBP, work in progress
THBP, work in progress
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