Breaking the casino's bank
By [DZ]Flamesay

Johnny,Terry and Clay have got a mission from Jim Fitzgerald.
They need to break the bank for getting the money because they have not money,and Jason has not customers for diamonds yet.So they real need the diamonds.Johnny is J , Terry is T and Clay is C. They are exploding the bank and get the cash.After that,Johnny[J] gives Terry[T] and Clay[C] 2 bags for them.Terry and Clay have carry the 4 money bags to the abandoned airfield.Johnny gets a chopper and go there too. While he's flying the chopper , he left his terrorist biker clothes. Then he calls Jim and tell him about the money.Hope you enjoy the mission.
The Terrorist clothes:
The Lost clothes:
They need to break the bank for getting the money because they have not money,and Jason has not customers for diamonds yet.So they real need the diamonds.Johnny is J , Terry is T and Clay is C. They are exploding the bank and get the cash.After that,Johnny[J] gives Terry[T] and Clay[C] 2 bags for them.Terry and Clay have carry the 4 money bags to the abandoned airfield.Johnny gets a chopper and go there too. While he's flying the chopper , he left his terrorist biker clothes. Then he calls Jim and tell him about the money.Hope you enjoy the mission.
The Terrorist clothes:
The Lost clothes:
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jan 01 '14
- Views
- 3222
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- 1781
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 6
Mission Statistics
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- Objectives
- 51
- Actors
- 32
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 15
- Objects
- 7

SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | GTA San Andreas The Lost and Damned DYOM | [DZ]Flamesay | Jan 01 2014, 03:03 | 0 |
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Added by [DZ]Flamesay on Jan 01 2014, 01:10
Please tell me what do you think about my mission.
Added by xxGTAXIVxx on Jan 01 2014, 02:07
I'm about prove it! :3
Added by [DZ]Flamesay on Jan 01 2014, 02:12
:D I hope you like it.
Added by 56Hackerman on Jan 01 2014, 12:17
Did you play Vice City Multiplayer?
Did you play Vice City Multiplayer?
Added by [DZ]Flamesay on Jan 01 2014, 17:24
Yes , but I am not Luis.
Added by [DZ]Flamesay on Jan 01 2014, 17:25
Luis is too weak.
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