Bulevard Nines - pt.1 (Story Gang)
By ::The Hunter::

Marcus after being in for more than 3 years, was released from prison a free man.
But it has not forgotten his friends
Diego his best friend, goes to get out of jail
explains that in these three years, many things have changed.
The gang to which they belonged, the bulevard Nines, no longer exists.
The friends of the past no longer exist, or are dead...
Marcus after being in for more than 3 years, was released from prison a free man.
But it has not forgotten his friends
Diego his best friend, goes to get out of jail
explains that in these three years, many things have changed.
The gang to which they belonged, the bulevard Nines, no longer exists.
The friends of the past no longer exist, or are dead...
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 09 '14
- Views
- 790
- Downloads
- 1202
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 67
- Actors
- 34
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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