Kan ve Barut 2 Harabeler
By JaXa123
Ve iþte kan ve barut serimizin 2. oyunu olan ''Harabeler'' ile yeniden karþýnýzdayýz bu bölümde luis 1. bölümde öldürdüðü çalýþandan ev anahtarýný alýr fakat eve gittiðinde onu büyük bir süpriz bekler...
English Description:
And here's our blood and gunpowder, series 2 games with're back with'' Ruins'' luis 1 in this section chapter house keys from the employee gets killed, but expect a big surprise to him when he went home ...
English Description:
And here's our blood and gunpowder, series 2 games with're back with'' Ruins'' luis 1 in this section chapter house keys from the employee gets killed, but expect a big surprise to him when he went home ...
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- Feb 15 '14
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- Comments
- 2
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- Objectives
- 18
- Actors
- 5
- Cars
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Added by JaXa123 on Mar 08 2014, 12:57
tamam kardeþ al ekle beni burdan https://www.facebook.com/silver.heart.188478
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