[RTJ] Pedal to the Medal
By viscosity

Chapter 2- 1st Mission of the new Multi-Designers mission pack called Road To Justice
Story: Drake Howell was an ordinary cop who fought crime - he majored in chasing after and arresting street racers and speeding drivers. However he stumbles into a mess. Drake interrupts the meeting of a street racing crew, and him and his partner are ordered to be killed. However the leader of the crew has a soft side. He will let Drake live if he joins their crew. Now the cop must both be a cop and a criminal, without blowing his cover, and living life on the fast lane.
Topic forum: http://gtaforums.com/topic/674912-road-to-justice-mission-pack
Story: Drake Howell was an ordinary cop who fought crime - he majored in chasing after and arresting street racers and speeding drivers. However he stumbles into a mess. Drake interrupts the meeting of a street racing crew, and him and his partner are ordered to be killed. However the leader of the crew has a soft side. He will let Drake live if he joins their crew. Now the cop must both be a cop and a criminal, without blowing his cover, and living life on the fast lane.
Topic forum: http://gtaforums.com/topic/674912-road-to-justice-mission-pack
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 16 '14
- Views
- 1062
- Downloads
- 962
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 74
- Actors
- 71
- Cars
- 20
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 0

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Added by alibatman on Feb 15 2014, 17:24
Viscosity Second Mission was named the Test Drive and this Mission name Test Drive wont you think??
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