Serial killers 1 Alveda ( Turkish Game)
By JaXa123

Evet arkadaþlar bu bölümümüz 2 karakter içeriyor ''emre ve alper'' adýndaki bu genç dostlarýmýz alvedaya gidiyor ve baþlarýna ne gelceklerini bilmiyor ve en sonda ''Devam edicek'' geliyor çünkü heyecanýnýz içinizde kalsýn dedim gerçekten oynarken küçük dilinizi yutacaksýnýz özellikle 2nd bölümde....
English Description:
Yes friends, this department 2 contains characters'' order and alper'' named this young our friends alveda's going and the beginning what is going to come we do not know and at the end,'' does this go'' because it comes excitement inside you left I said you're really playing small language to swallow, especially the 2nd section.....
English Description:
Yes friends, this department 2 contains characters'' order and alper'' named this young our friends alveda's going and the beginning what is going to come we do not know and at the end,'' does this go'' because it comes excitement inside you left I said you're really playing small language to swallow, especially the 2nd section.....
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 15 '14
- Views
- 581
- Downloads
- 725
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 43
- Actors
- 3
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by Emre Kaan Ortaç on Mar 03 2014, 14:03
adým emre olmasa oynamazdým :D
Added by JaXa123 on Mar 08 2014, 12:49
:D bunlar amatörce yeni ve ingilizce olanlarý yaptým
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