Il Sicario
By yo-g
Il Boss Deporta ordina a James e un sicario di fuori paese, di far fuori l'infame, Roberto Dente, che ha tradito la sua famiglia.
James e il sicario misterioso, dovranno uccidere l'infame Roberto, prima che riesca a parlare con il capitano della polizia
The Boss Deporta order to James and a gunman outside the country, to take out the infamous, Robert Dente, who betrayed his family.
James and the mysterious assassin must kill the infamous Robert, before I can talk to the police captain
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James e il sicario misterioso, dovranno uccidere l'infame Roberto, prima che riesca a parlare con il capitano della polizia
The Boss Deporta order to James and a gunman outside the country, to take out the infamous, Robert Dente, who betrayed his family.
James and the mysterious assassin must kill the infamous Robert, before I can talk to the police captain
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- Last Update
- Mar 23 '14
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- 1874
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- ReadOnly
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- Objectives
- 32
- Actors
- 35
- Cars
- 6
- Pickups
- 7
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- 0
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