DYOM » StoryLines » GTA The Walking Dead (EN-USA)

GTA The Walking Dead (EN-USA)

By Mateus H.

i'm brazilian and translate this story, the translate is bad, but play!!! (pleaseeee)

Update soon.

GTA The Walking Dead (there's nothing like the series, taking the Zombies)

In this story you will Thomaz, according to some guy in the middle of a square to see the sight of a burned police shortly after a zombie eating someone's head ...

In this story, things will be different from what you usually see! YOU CHOOSE THE END OF HISTORY, when you finish the mission "area of dead", you can choose between killing or not the guy,


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Last Update
Jan 30 '15


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Added by Mateus H. on Apr 01 2014, 22:05
i'm translate in Google Translate, comment!!!
Added by Jean felipe on Apr 04 2014, 02:26
matheus h. sua missao e boa mas eu joguei a brasileira *#* kkkkkkkkkkk
Added by GamerX on Apr 16 2014, 21:28
Added by EdgarZh on Jun 06 2014, 13:39
Added by Mateus H. on Jun 27 2014, 13:01
Rating my mission please!
Added by nandack on Jul 19 2014, 17:57
Great mission! I give you 5 actually some spellings in the mission are not well-formated, but good to know and be an inspiration.
Added by Maze on Aug 20 2014, 09:28
Your Mission is Ugly.
Added by eric mick on Aug 23 2014, 11:57
nice mission
Added by artvin350 on Sep 23 2014, 12:11
wow awesome mission
Added by byrondt on Nov 15 2014, 09:25
guys im new here... how do I download this?!:/
Added by xXClubArmaDutyXx on Dec 01 2014, 21:54
Good Walking Dead
Added by M.Ahmed on Dec 13 2014, 12:31

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