Hustler's Ambitions:The Call
By Karan55
The mission seems just have to stole a car.
But between this
There is suspense
You have to find the car papers
You have to deal with the cops and the guards.
Stealing a car is not that simple .........Good luck
There might be few checkpoint bugs.......ignore them,,,,,focus on the objective....
But between this
There is suspense
You have to find the car papers
You have to deal with the cops and the guards.
Stealing a car is not that simple .........Good luck
There might be few checkpoint bugs.......ignore them,,,,,focus on the objective....
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 11 '14
- Views
- 810
- Downloads
- 1504
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 31
- Actors
- 10
- Cars
- 8
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 1

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