The Ghetto. Part 1-2 (MORE COMING)
By PresidentShark
Hello. This is my newest mission called: The ghetto.
You're playing as Reen and you need to find a way to get sucessfull in the life, instead of being a hobo on the street. With his friend Markus he'll be able to do that.
If you want more of The Ghetto please tell me. If this mission will be rated bad I wont make more of this.
Mission made by new mission designer: PresidentShark
You're playing as Reen and you need to find a way to get sucessfull in the life, instead of being a hobo on the street. With his friend Markus he'll be able to do that.
If you want more of The Ghetto please tell me. If this mission will be rated bad I wont make more of this.
Mission made by new mission designer: PresidentShark
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- Last Update
- Apr 13 '14
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Added by PresidentShark on Feb 26 2015, 15:46
Part 2 wont be released :p
Added by PresidentShark on Feb 26 2015, 15:46
Part 3* sorry.
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