The Haunted Chapter 1-2
By Kennkielz007
Hi I`m back guys
this is me Kennkielz007
this is the mission chapter 1-2 of my mission series called "The Haunted" special thanks to unnamed(DYOM Member) because honestly i made this mission series because of his mission called "Haunted House" I inspired by that mission and i enjoy that mission and i want to continue it.,, that`s why I made this. series.
In this part.,, Jed trying to save his girlfriend named Sarah, but there`s some dark spirit want to kill him and use Sarah to kill Jed...,,
This is my second mission series
So enjoy guys.,,
this is me Kennkielz007
this is the mission chapter 1-2 of my mission series called "The Haunted" special thanks to unnamed(DYOM Member) because honestly i made this mission series because of his mission called "Haunted House" I inspired by that mission and i enjoy that mission and i want to continue it.,, that`s why I made this. series.
In this part.,, Jed trying to save his girlfriend named Sarah, but there`s some dark spirit want to kill him and use Sarah to kill Jed...,,
This is my second mission series
So enjoy guys.,,
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