DYOM » StoryLines » The Best Of

The Best Of

By AnDReJ98

Released: 25 May 2014

'The Best Of' collection, celebrating my 5 years anniversary DYOM career, 25 May 2009 - 25 May 2014


1.Episodes From San Fierro (Remade ep.1 & original ep.2)
2.Jack Prinston's Life
3.The Franchescos Brothers (Remade in 2013-14)
4.The Chronicle Of Barney Williams
5.Different Paths
6.Free Life In Vice City
7.No Time For The Life
8.The Story About Tony Denison
9.Army Man 5
10.Single Missions Pack (Taken from Contests, canceled mission-packs etc..)

LATEST UPDATE (27/09/2015):
I noticed there is an error while trying to download the archive. Website also prevents me from re-uploading archive, so i thought of another way. I have also uploaded this collection on GTAGarage.com so if you want to download this collection, you will have to get it there. I also updated the collection itself. Now it contains remastered Episodes From San Fierro storyline with one new story (prequel)

Download + more informations here: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=26119


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Last Update
Sep 27 '15


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Added by akram on Jun 22 2014, 14:31
oh really nice
Added by venkatesh on Jul 08 2014, 07:45
very nice and works
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jul 12 2014, 15:18
Thanks for comments. Updated, now Episode 2 of EFSF also remade.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 12 2014, 13:47
Update: Theme song for the collection has been added. One more update will come later, remade Episode 2 of EFSF TCoBW, since i'm currently having problems with uploading archive.
Added by Ayie on Dec 29 2014, 05:03
Added by Warbrother32 on May 07 2015, 11:09
Great man!
Added by Huzaifa on Sep 28 2015, 16:35
Great Mission pack dude. This is amazing. I played your couple of Mp's. They're awesome :)
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 02 2015, 20:40
Thank you for playing.
Added by Grand_Dyom on Nov 13 2015, 14:37
That was my one of first storylines.Played it a long time ago.But anyway.That very cool.5/5
Added by Green Goo on Feb 07 2017, 13:35
That's a pack of awesome missions! I liked them all! 5/5
Added by AnDReJ98 on Feb 14 2017, 03:39
Added by TheRyder on Mar 17 2017, 15:46
Amazing!!! I Cant Belive That You Collect All Those Mission Pack In 1 Archive!!!Good Work Dude 5/5

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