DYOM » Missions » Sasquatches, huh?

Sasquatches, huh?

By ryder nigga

Tom the old agent has been paid by goverment to find out who's behind the murders in the forests. But instead of he to do the dirty job he sends you, Barney to find and kill 4 bigfoots in the forest. After you kill your last bigfoot you need to safe the police chief and take him to the hospital. I left you bigfoot skin so you can replace Big bear with bigfoot(The skin ain't mine.)


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Added by zhaslan on Jul 01 2014, 17:18
я не понел как проити мисию
Added by zhaslan on Jul 01 2014, 17:18
после coper 2
Added by ryder nigga on Jul 01 2014, 20:26
English, please
Added by zhaslan on Jul 02 2014, 09:23
I am not understood as complete after coper 2
Added by Incredible Jojo on Nov 15 2014, 15:24
Man I always love your missions,but can you tell me where are the sasquthes. I can"t find them.
Added by Incredible Jojo on Nov 15 2014, 15:24
Man I always love your missions,but can you tell me where are the sasquthes. I can"t find them.

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