Encomenda / Package
Traficantes Russos estão transportando uma encomenda ilegal do porto de Los Santos para Liberty City..assuma o papel de um agente do FBI e impeça essa operação.
''Traffickers transporting illegal order Russians are the port of Los Santos to Liberty City..take on the role of an FBI Agent and prevent this operation.''
''Traffickers transporting illegal order Russians are the port of Los Santos to Liberty City..take on the role of an FBI Agent and prevent this operation.''
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- Last Update
- Jul 28 '14
- Views
- 718
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- 1109
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- 0
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- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 4
- Actors
- 11
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 17

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