This is a remake of a mission in GTA V.
MISSION: The IAA are using Humane trucks to transport bio chemicals to their headquarters.
You and Cesar must destroy them before the IAA can do anything with them!
(This mission is hard to do, try completing it WITHOUT using cheats! :-) )
ISSUE(S): Sometimes when you're the passenger in Drive-by-mode, at a certain point CJ will sometimes flip the car over when jumping over a ramp.
Sorry I can't fix that.
(Anymore issues, let me know)
This mission was made on V7 version of the mod, still works fine.
MISSION: The IAA are using Humane trucks to transport bio chemicals to their headquarters.
You and Cesar must destroy them before the IAA can do anything with them!
(This mission is hard to do, try completing it WITHOUT using cheats! :-) )
ISSUE(S): Sometimes when you're the passenger in Drive-by-mode, at a certain point CJ will sometimes flip the car over when jumping over a ramp.
Sorry I can't fix that.
(Anymore issues, let me know)
This mission was made on V7 version of the mod, still works fine.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jul 29 '14
- Views
- 750
- Downloads
- 1477
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 17
- Actors
- 50
- Cars
- 22
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 2

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