DYOM » Missions » There is Nothing Left: Lost it All

There is Nothing Left: Lost it All

By WrongWang

this is the 3rd part of the series
Part 1: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/23556
Part 2: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/23583

You escaped with 3 people to find a way out from the motel
but will you succeed ???
the journey is up to you...



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Aug 10 '14


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PLAYThere is Nothing Left Trailer WrongWangAug 10 2014, 21:00
"There is Nothing Left Trailer "
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Added by gheorghem on Aug 12 2014, 18:12
The good:
1) The sounds! - very good immerision! The HL sounds are a nice touch, and the music from the final battle made me feel like I was playing Duke Nukem 3D! (one of my fav. games)
2) The guns - well placed, enough ammo.
3) The battles - challenging, but not too difficult.
4) The story - interesting, seems to have a twist.
5) The mission - very good, looks highly professional!
Added by gheorghem on Aug 12 2014, 18:16
The bad:
1) Camera angles - the first cutscene had the camera too low, or too on the side, the other ones are fine.
2) Eam jumped off the balcony but didn't die (though it may just be the game engine).
Added by gheorghem on Aug 12 2014, 18:21
The ugly:
1) Why are most enemies tramps and old people?
2) Certain objects seemed out of place (e.g. this is a hotel, what's with the crates?)
3) How did Wang get past the place where Bobby died, and why didn't he know that Bobby died? Did he use a different route?
4) Why did Wang leave his daughter if he was so against it in the beginning?
5) Why didn't Wang help in the fights?
Added by gheorghem on Aug 12 2014, 18:24
Good job (though there are some unanswered questions). This is indeed a 5 star mission! (after all, the negative aspects are so tiny, they may as well be ignored)
Added by gheorghem on Aug 12 2014, 18:25
oh yeah, I forgot to mention in The Ugly - there's the grammar issue in some parts of the mission...
Added by WrongWang on Aug 12 2014, 20:08
thanks xD i put some answer in your profile

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