CJ's new life of 2 friends
By domi12
Story:Cj splited up with places over and over again but now his finally reached the place he wanted to live also he met a man named mark but then when he met mark a bastard stole CJ's briefcase there were not able to get the briefcase from the bastard do to a explosion by a guy with a rocket launcher. Then somebody called him and that's were his new adventure/story began.
Ok guy this is the first of my missions to have colored text so if you say colored text is not better then not colored text then just i don't care! Have fun -domi12
Ok guy this is the first of my missions to have colored text so if you say colored text is not better then not colored text then just i don't care! Have fun -domi12
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- Oct 03 '14
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Added by dameer9000 on Oct 20 2014, 12:35
my gta san andreas not work from your files}{
Added by dameer9000 on Oct 20 2014, 12:36
ooh shit
Added by domi12 on Feb 14 2015, 17:41
was it good?
Added by SnakeGaming12 on Sep 20 2017, 20:46
this was the best mission i ever played in my life
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