Armando'Nun InTıkamı [Turk
By JaXa123

Türkçe açıklama:
Armando ve arkadaşı urban bir banka soygununa giderler. maksatları, kendilerini fakirlikten kurtarmaktır. buldukları silah ile onlardan önce bankaya gelen mafyaları öldürmek zorunda kalırlar. Ve bundan sonra olaylar karışır...
English Description:
Armando urban and friend, go to a bank robbery. purposes, to save themselves from poverty. before them with the weapons they found they had to kill the mob came to the bank. And after the events involved ...
My english not good sorry for this :)
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
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Armando ve arkadaşı urban bir banka soygununa giderler. maksatları, kendilerini fakirlikten kurtarmaktır. buldukları silah ile onlardan önce bankaya gelen mafyaları öldürmek zorunda kalırlar. Ve bundan sonra olaylar karışır...
English Description:
Armando urban and friend, go to a bank robbery. purposes, to save themselves from poverty. before them with the weapons they found they had to kill the mob came to the bank. And after the events involved ...
My english not good sorry for this :)
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
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- Last Update
- Nov 02 '14
- Views
- 461
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- 693
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- ReadOnly
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- Objectives
- 49
- Actors
- 49
- Cars
- 9
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 8

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