GTA: Grove Street Stories 15 (Finale)
By yo-g
Grove Street Stories, racconta la fondazione della famiglia,
capitanata da Sweet.
Assieme a Carl, Ryder e Big Smoke, riescono a cacciare i Ballas da Ganton, prendendo il controllo del quartiere.
Comincia adesso l'ascesa della Grove Street Family
Translate Eng
Grove Street Stories, said the foundation of the family,
led by Sweet.
Together with Carl, Ryder and Big Smoke, the Ballas were able to drive from Ganton, taking control of the district.
Now begins the ascent of the Grove Street Family
Channel Youtube
capitanata da Sweet.
Assieme a Carl, Ryder e Big Smoke, riescono a cacciare i Ballas da Ganton, prendendo il controllo del quartiere.
Comincia adesso l'ascesa della Grove Street Family
Translate Eng
Grove Street Stories, said the foundation of the family,
led by Sweet.
Together with Carl, Ryder and Big Smoke, the Ballas were able to drive from Ganton, taking control of the district.
Now begins the ascent of the Grove Street Family
Channel Youtube
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SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | GTA: Grove Street Stories - La Fine | yo-g | Dec 04 2014, 14:25 | 0 |
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