Dead Zone Part 1: Infected
By ChaosDesigner
Your are a cop you went for a mission and then zombies attacked you so you killed them and escaped
Part 2 coming soon
Part 2 coming soon
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 13 '14
- Views
- 625
- Downloads
- 1070
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 31
- Actors
- 37
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 4
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Added by Wichitoo on Dec 14 2014, 01:41
Started well. But there are some technical problems due to the fact that in cutscenes the characters are missing, and I could not complete the mission because whenever I kill a zombie I got stars so the police always ends up killing me before I could complete the mission.
Added by ChaosDesigner on Dec 14 2014, 12:45
write this code to disable the police AEZAKMI i'am still new here I will try to do more missions better than those
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