Un dia normal (A normal day)
By IX7

Esta sera la primer mision de mi serie "el sicario". Espero que les agrade, aunque es algo sencilla. Tengan en cuenta que no puedo poner la mision mas complicada al principio de mi serie. Sobre el trabajo, pues simplemente vas a cumplir con un simple asesinato, recuerden que luego subire algunos mas dificiles. Comenten y puntuen.
This will be the first mission of my " hit man " . I hope you like , but it's something simple . Please note that I can not put the most complicated series early in my mission. On the job , because you're just going to meet a simple murder , remember that then I'll upload some more difficult . Please comment and rate .
This will be the first mission of my " hit man " . I hope you like , but it's something simple . Please note that I can not put the most complicated series early in my mission. On the job , because you're just going to meet a simple murder , remember that then I'll upload some more difficult . Please comment and rate .
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 11 '15
- Views
- 2501
- Downloads
- 1783
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 16
- Actors
- 3
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Un día normal (A normal day) por IX7 | IX7 | Jan 25 2015, 13:54 | 0 |
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Added by Rakitich on Jan 30 2015, 01:40
Esta buenas solo que deberias grabar tus trailers con fraps :D
Added by IX7 on Feb 01 2015, 05:14
Esta grabado con fraps, no se porque se me trabo.
Added by IX7 on Feb 01 2015, 05:15
De todas maneras muchas gracias.
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