The Master of Copet
By OG.Miracle-.HB
Once upon a time there was a copet named "Sa'ep", he's so legendary he copet many people for rent a hook, but once time he got a trouble
Copet means steal
Once upon a time there was a copet named "Sa'ep", he's so legendary he copet many people for rent a hook, but once time he got a trouble
Copet means steal
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 25 '15
- Views
- 1188
- Downloads
- 1431
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 30
- Actors
- 8
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 3
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Added by 1cak on Feb 25 2015, 14:45
wkwkwk :v kocak bro. Sayangnya belum lengkap.Terusin dong bro, gw penasaran sama lanjutanya :v
Added by XxProDzxX on Feb 25 2015, 18:49
it's a funny mission ;D i like it :D
Added by Tukang Kerupuk on Feb 26 2015, 06:58
1cak : Oke bro, hari ini gua buat part 2 nya :v
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 09 2015, 08:00
Hahaha,this is so funny! 5 stars!
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