Breaking Bad: Porachunki.
By Kamon
Początki poznawania Waltera i jego wspólnika Jessiego, historie przerabiam po swojemu, lecz wątek gotowania pozostaje ten sam... Średnie dwie misje na wstęp. Od jutra biorę się za kolejne 3, wiec jeszcze jutro mogę je wrzucić.
A w kolejnej misji DEA.
- Miłej zabawy.
Explore the beginnings of Walter and his partner Jesse, stories remaking his own way, but the topic of cooking remains the same ... average two missions on admission. From tomorrow I take to be another 3, so I can still throw them tomorrow.
And in another mission DEA.
- Have fun.
A w kolejnej misji DEA.
- Miłej zabawy.
Explore the beginnings of Walter and his partner Jesse, stories remaking his own way, but the topic of cooking remains the same ... average two missions on admission. From tomorrow I take to be another 3, so I can still throw them tomorrow.
And in another mission DEA.
- Have fun.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Mar 18 '15
- Views
- 847
- Downloads
- 1341
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 18
- Actors
- 34
- Cars
- 20
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 0
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