The Fast Chronicle (Chapter 1,Part 3)
By maoffense01
This mission is one of this storyline named "The Fast Chronicle",and is the third mission of the chapter 1 of this storyline.
And finally,the day has came for John's third race.While he's in his house,his boss went to his house to go to the meet.The car which John will use in the race is "Hotknife".The race is too long and no turning way,and that type of race is called "Drag Racing".
Please,play,download,comment,rate and respect this mission.
I hope you like it!
And finally,the day has came for John's third race.While he's in his house,his boss went to his house to go to the meet.The car which John will use in the race is "Hotknife".The race is too long and no turning way,and that type of race is called "Drag Racing".
Please,play,download,comment,rate and respect this mission.
I hope you like it!
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- Last Update
- Apr 21 '15
- Views
- 699
- Downloads
- 1393
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 50
- Actors
- 21
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 17
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Added by XxProDzxX on Mar 26 2015, 10:15
You Should Do the Back Ground Transparnt BTW , This Missions Kind Professional Designed , Its great Ma,$n , i realy enjoy this one i like it :D
Added by sayyessayyes on Mar 27 2015, 07:31
nice mission!
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