The Fast Chronicle (Chapter 2,Part 7)
By maoffense01
This mission is the seventh mission of chapter 2 of this storyline.It has the theme of violence,so I hope you'll like the mission!
Time for some bangin' war.John went to Albert's house then the three planned to attack the countrysider's territory(Dillimore).You have to attack the patrollers then the war will start.The wave is up to 2 waves only because the 3rd wave will crash,I tested it.So I deleted the 3rd wave.
Downloading,playing,commenting,rating and respecting this mission are appreciated.
Hope you like this mission.Don't forget to rate!
Time for some bangin' war.John went to Albert's house then the three planned to attack the countrysider's territory(Dillimore).You have to attack the patrollers then the war will start.The wave is up to 2 waves only because the 3rd wave will crash,I tested it.So I deleted the 3rd wave.
Downloading,playing,commenting,rating and respecting this mission are appreciated.
Hope you like this mission.Don't forget to rate!
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- Last Update
- Apr 21 '15
- Views
- 624
- Downloads
- 1313
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 45
- Actors
- 38
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 1
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Added by sayyessayyes on Apr 13 2015, 03:24
nice violence,bro! but theres no ought to add pickups so that player will not be die.but nice mission,goodluck for thr storyline bro!
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