The Fast Chronicle (Last Chapter,Part 2)
By maoffense01
This mission is the second mission of last chapter of this storyline.It has a theme of racing only.The type of the race is called "Sprint Racing".
The second day of the race's event of John.While John has no car,he went to the vendor of cars then he bought the Pink Banshee for the race.
The choice is in yours if you want to rate this mission.So feel free for rating this mission!
The second day of the race's event of John.While John has no car,he went to the vendor of cars then he bought the Pink Banshee for the race.
The choice is in yours if you want to rate this mission.So feel free for rating this mission!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 21 '15
- Views
- 1052
- Downloads
- 1914
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 5
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 53
- Actors
- 15
- Cars
- 6
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 68
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Added by ScrayChan on Apr 12 2015, 06:11
Man,I want do you 1st downloader
Added by ScrayChan on Apr 12 2015, 06:11
I am Chan3010
Added by ScrayChan on Apr 12 2015, 06:12
I think cool,because more Objective
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 12 2015, 12:50
Thanks,bro! The choice for rating is in yours,not in mine.
Added by sayyessayyes on Apr 13 2015, 03:28
nice mission,the mission was failed when opponent is first,he get being explode hahaha! Nice mission and awesomet
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