The Fast Chronicle (Last Chapter,Part 3)
By maoffense01
This is just a short mission,so I'm very sorry for that because I don't have much idea for now.This mission is the third mission of chapter 3 of this storyline.It has racing theme.The type of the race is "Drag Racing".
This is just the third part of the racing event.There's no plot in this mission,so I'm very sorry.
The choice of rating is in yours,so feel free for rating this mission.
This is just the third part of the racing event.There's no plot in this mission,so I'm very sorry.
The choice of rating is in yours,so feel free for rating this mission.
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- Last Update
- Apr 21 '15
- Views
- 659
- Downloads
- 1257
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 14
- Actors
- 19
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 22
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Added by maoffense01 on Apr 13 2015, 19:18
Thank you,bro!
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 13 2015, 19:19
By the way,I've subcribed your Youtube Channel.
Added by sayyessayyes on Apr 15 2015, 04:00
durg race! i know tht racing. nice mission bro!
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