Beginning of the road
By The Master1996
This is my second mission of my GTA: SA Sequel. It's a perfect occasion for Sweet to prove himself to CJ. After surviving the attack of former gangsters of Big Smoke Sweet and CJ decided to find the ones that told the gangsters of their whereabouts. They will also find a great opportunity for getting some nice goods.
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- Last Update
- Apr 15 '15
- Views
- 479
- Downloads
- 690
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 8
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 73
- Actors
- 61
- Cars
- 26
- Pickups
- 6
- Objects
- 7

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Added by maoffense01 on Apr 16 2015, 03:23
And also,they has their awesome animations and weapons! (Excellent=5)
All the cars were exactly placed! The car of the ballas and vagos were parked to wait for the Johnson Brothers for killing!And no bugs known! (Excellent=5)
The pick-ups were exactly placed to.I mostly like when I've killed the boss of the dealers.Then the briefcase have just been dropped.But 1 pick-ups was not exactly place,and that the armor when the mission told to kill the ballas.The a
All the cars were exactly placed! The car of the ballas and vagos were parked to wait for the Johnson Brothers for killing!And no bugs known! (Excellent=5)
The pick-ups were exactly placed to.I mostly like when I've killed the boss of the dealers.Then the briefcase have just been dropped.But 1 pick-ups was not exactly place,and that the armor when the mission told to kill the ballas.The a
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 16 2015, 03:24
The armor should be near the stairway,not near the tree. (Great=4) (Overall- Great=4.2)
The difficulty was just medium.The mission makes hard for me! When the mission told to kill the dealers in Downtown,Los Santos,there were 2 guys in the top which you may fire,but he'll not be shotted at. (Excellent=5)
All the cutscenes was great! They're placed exactly.They're placed exactly facing the actor! (Excellent=5)
Speeches and Texts
The difficulty was just medium.The mission makes hard for me! When the mission told to kill the dealers in Downtown,Los Santos,there were 2 guys in the top which you may fire,but he'll not be shotted at. (Excellent=5)
All the cutscenes was great! They're placed exactly.They're placed exactly facing the actor! (Excellent=5)
Speeches and Texts
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 16 2015, 03:26
The speeches was great,no bad english were detected.But there are some mistakes in your punctuation.Here's the sentence. "You'll tell me where they at and how many are on the way to those pussies, let's roll, CJ!". Here's the mistake. "how many are on the way to those pussies, let's roll,CJ! That underlined comma was wrong.That should be period".". There's some mistakes in the punctuations. (Moderate=2)
The texts
The speeches was great,no bad english were detected.But there are some mistakes in your punctuation.Here's the sentence. "You'll tell me where they at and how many are on the way to those pussies, let's roll, CJ!". Here's the mistake. "how many are on the way to those pussies, let's roll,CJ! That underlined comma was wrong.That should be period".". There's some mistakes in the punctuations. (Moderate=2)
The texts
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 16 2015, 03:27
The texts was great! Because when the mission told "Drive to The Ten Green Bottles Bar". The Ten Green Bottles Bar was marked as green which is must be headed. (Great=4) (Overall- Good=3)
Over-all Rating
Now,I've counted the over-all rating to this mission! The over-all rating is............. Great!=4.3 stars!
This time,you got more beating-up rating for your mission! The previous is just good(3 stars),then now,you've got 4.3 stars! I salute you! Make your
Over-all Rating
Now,I've counted the over-all rating to this mission! The over-all rating is............. Great!=4.3 stars!
This time,you got more beating-up rating for your mission! The previous is just good(3 stars),then now,you've got 4.3 stars! I salute you! Make your
Added by maoffense01 on Apr 16 2015, 03:28
Make your missions higher to good rating,keep up the good work,and goodluck for your storyline!
Added by The Master1996 on Apr 16 2015, 09:13
I will, I also thank you for such a great feedbacks!
Added by The Master1996 on Apr 16 2015, 09:16
Also, about that case pickup. Sorry, but I couldn't predict where the boss will be killed. I ussually kill him somewhere near that pickup.
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The plot was to find the bosses,to kill all the dealers and members,and to kill whose blocking the way.Great plot! (Great=4)
The theme was all about violence.It is about the flying bullets around.And also,the theme is one of the best themes all the time! (Excellent=5)
All the characters were moving.All of them separated to fight with each other! No bugs knew to all of the actors! And also,they has their awes