DYOM » StoryLines » The Fast Chronicle

The Fast Chronicle

By maoffense01

As a racer's life!!! Have you ever tried being a racer??? Have you became a professional racer??? Have you did some mistakes while turning a drift??? A maoffense01 presentation!!!
Will you win from these races??? Will you survive from these angry racers??? Shall you let your manager die because of them??? maoffense01 presents...

The Fast Chronicle
This storyline is about a little man whose his ambition is to become a racer! It has 20+ missions! Up to Chapter 3! Chapter 1(The Ambition) is about racing.Chapter 2(The Causes of Racing) is about violence.Chapter 3(At The End) is about racing and violence!

John(The player),whose his ambition is racing,was just a little,young man,doing anything he want.But there are 2 racers that raced through John's front.Then he went to the racers.Then he met the manager(John's Boss) whose will help him to reach his ambition.John has 2 friends named "Albert" and "Pablo".These 2 men was more impressive than John.But there are some interception on the way that would make Manager kill.And that's the another race team.As John always win the races,more of his opponents are getting angry to him.

John- is the protagonist of the storyline.He's the player!Although,John needs to save his manager in last chapter.
Albert- he is the 2nd protagonist of the storyline.He's not the player,but he's the friend of John! He always help John with his problem.He will not be a traitor in last.
Pablo- he's the 3rd protagonist of the storyline.He always like to trip John to anything he want.He always joke the friends.But he's still a supportive man for any problem of his friends.And he's the strongest man in the three!
Manager- he's the guy who will help John to reach his ambition.As the manager,he taught John how to race professionally.But he will be taken by the another race team due to John's average.

I'm sorry for not putting a mission name! But the chapters have their own name.
Chapter 1(The Ambition)- up to 6 missions only,'coz I'm so tired of creating race missions.I'm so sorry!
Chapter 2(The Causes of Racing)- up to 8 missions! Have fun!
Chapter 3(At The Last)- up to 8 missions,too!

No trailers yet.I'm creating a new one!

All credits go to:
Dutchy3010 and PatrickW for the awesome modification,and for the help of coding,too!
My Friends for their help,support and giving feedbacks to this storyline! Especially to Shadowscythe and ProDz
DYOM Designers/Users for giving some feedbacks,too!
DYOM Reviewers for reviewing this storyline!

Whole Topic Link : http://gtaforums.com/topic/787209-the-fast-chronicle/

Don't forget to give some feedbacks and rates! Hope you like this storyline

For the sounds,go to this download link :


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Last Update
Apr 21 '15


Rated 3 times, Average 5

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Added by XxProDzxX on Apr 21 2015, 16:52
my rat is 5/5 for now cause i can set 4.45/5 here ;)
Added by sayyessayyes on Apr 22 2015, 02:59
i didn't contiune the mission pack! its too many missions! but i played all the missions,i can rate it 5!

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