The day of pay
By The Master1996
(YOU SHOULD READ IT FULLY IF YOU WANNA BEAT THE MISSION) Hi, guys, I have another mission from my storyline for you. In this mission Sweet, CJ, Loc and Bear'll go make a deal with their Grove contact. They'll trade the load of heroin for a load of money, but their contact'll set them up and they'll have to survive police trap, find the ones responsible and get the heroin and money back! But the police will still be onto them... (WARNING, THERE ARE 2 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW): 1.THE MISSION IS HARD 2.WHEN YOU'LL LOSE THE COPS FOR THE 2ND TIME, DON'T GO BACK TO GROVE BY THE STRAIGHT ROAD, BUT BY THE ROAD ON THE LEFT OF PAY 'N' SPRAY!!! OTHERWISE THE MISSION WILL CRASH! IT'S NOT MY FAULT, BUT DYOM'S, SORRY...
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- Last Update
- Apr 25 '15
- Views
- 395
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- 601
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- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 82
- Actors
- 90
- Cars
- 24
- Pickups
- 8
- Objects
- 9

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Added by The Master1996 on Apr 25 2015, 13:09
One more thing, guys: If there are problems with the mission, immedieatly let me know.
Added by The Master1996 on Apr 25 2015, 18:46
Oh and I might not be for some time at the site, so there might not be any new missions at the time, sorry, but duty calls...
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