Sca. V2: Countrysiders' Deathmatch
By maoffense01

This is the second mission of this mission pack. It is about violence and has the theme of "Deathmatch battle".It is an exciting mission of this mission pack,but when you killed them all,you'll become bored!
This is the countrysiders' deathmatch.They were killing themselves for the deathmatch.But some of them have powerful weapons,so hide from walls,then look for them through the camera!
Thank you for viewing and downloading! Don't forget to give some feedbacks and rates 'cause it will be reliable!
This is the countrysiders' deathmatch.They were killing themselves for the deathmatch.But some of them have powerful weapons,so hide from walls,then look for them through the camera!
Thank you for viewing and downloading! Don't forget to give some feedbacks and rates 'cause it will be reliable!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 03 '15
- Views
- 742
- Downloads
- 1276
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 14
- Actors
- 23
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 13

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Added by Jhandave on May 03 2015, 07:54
Pretty cool, dude 4/5
Added by Master Creator on May 04 2015, 06:16
Nice Mission, My Rate Is 3/5
Added by maoffense01 on May 04 2015, 18:31
Thanks for the feedback!
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