DYOM » Missions » GTA San Andreas Stories

GTA San Andreas Stories

By Akhilesh1

This is an alternative storyline for GTA San Andreas. I have spent months making this and I hope that you guys give it atleast one try. Its awesome. The first two missions are not that good but the others are nice. Forgive me for any glitches as this is my first one! My target is 200 downloads and 400 views :)


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Last Update
Jun 27 '15


Rated 2 times, Average 4.5

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Added by Heisenberg_GR on May 05 2015, 19:10
I'm making a project like this, i'll try it!
Added by Akhilesh1 on May 06 2015, 08:06
Basically what is your project about?
Added by BenTheKiller on May 06 2015, 23:36
Please don't put the description in all caps.
Added by BenTheKiller on May 06 2015, 23:36
Please don't put the description in all caps.
Added by Akhilesh1 on May 07 2015, 04:41
Ok sorry BenTheKiller
Added by Akhilesh1 on May 09 2015, 09:25
Some of you might be experiencing a objective confusion in the mission 'Back to start'. But there is no need to worry. Just follow the markers on the radar. Even then if you cant understand, then comment here and i will upload a debugged version of the mission!
Added by Akhilesh1 on May 09 2015, 19:15
THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!!! I had dreamt of only around some 50 views and 20 downloads. BUT TODAY... I have 107 views and 100 downloads!!! Its only because of you guys that I have got so much success on my first mission series. Now I would be uploading more missions regularly. I am now working on a mission series now which I am gonna really work hard and try to make it the best! I would be uploading sneak peaks about it. Before that I would be uploading some other missions. My next mission is Drag Race! So st
Added by Akhilesh1 on May 09 2015, 19:16
stay tuned and keep up your support :)

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