DYOM » StoryLines » Gangsta Life Chapter 2

Gangsta Life Chapter 2

By GangstaZilla203

Chapter 2 of ''Gangsta Life''. Enjoy Guys!! :DDD


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Jul 19 '15


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Added by GangstaZilla203 on Jul 20 2015, 23:18
Make sure to comment your Review of It guys In the comments here!! It took me over a week to complete this! And It was worth It! Unfortunately, Chapter 3, Which Is going to be the next Chapter obviously, Will be the Final Chapter to conclude my ''Gangsta Life'' DYOM Storyline. But, I'll try to make Chapter 3 the most action packed and best Chapter yet!! I haven't began work on Chapter 3, But Expect It to be released by the end of this month!! :DDD
Added by Alessandro on Jul 23 2015, 15:21
l Give You 5 Star
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Jul 23 2015, 22:41
Thanks Alessandro! :D Means a TON! Took me a week to complete Chapter 2 of "Gangsta Life". =D Expect Chapter 3 to be released by the end of this month! I haven't began work on Chapter 3 yet, but, Expect It to be out by the end of July. As previously mentioned, lol. I'll be going to Reno, Nevada, for a couple of days. So, no new DYOM's for the couple of days, guys. =( But, I'll start work on Chapter 3 right when I get back! =) It's going to be the last Chapter unfortunately. =( Bu
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Jul 23 2015, 22:41
But I'll try to make Chapter 3 the best chapter! :D
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Jul 25 2015, 04:13
^^ATTENTION EVERYBODY^^ Production for Chapter 3 of "Gangsta Life" has began!! =DDD Expect Chapter 3 of Gangsta Life to be up by the end of this Month of July! =D Since Chapter 3 is going to be the final chapter to conclude my "Gangsta Life" DYOM Storyline, I'll try to make Chapter 3 the best of all the chapters! So, Stay tuned for Chapter 3 guys! :DDD

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