Defending the Grove street
By Black Eagle
Defending the Grove street
In this mission you play as Cj with Sweet and Ryder and some Groves defending the Grove street from Ballas.
You will encounter ballas coming to Grove street from all sides.
Kill them all and pass the mission.
This mission is similliar to singleplayer mission called House party
Have fun :)
Sorry that i got no screenshots because something's wrong with my game.
MISSION IS EDITED:Now you must have to kill whole gang except like before when it was just one actor objective with more actors on its side.
In this mission you play as Cj with Sweet and Ryder and some Groves defending the Grove street from Ballas.
You will encounter ballas coming to Grove street from all sides.
Kill them all and pass the mission.
This mission is similliar to singleplayer mission called House party
Have fun :)
Sorry that i got no screenshots because something's wrong with my game.
MISSION IS EDITED:Now you must have to kill whole gang except like before when it was just one actor objective with more actors on its side.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Aug 25 '15
- Views
- 680
- Downloads
- 1129
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 5
- Actors
- 39
- Cars
- 14
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0
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Added by Alessandro on Aug 25 2015, 19:37
Added by 1xGaM3rIonuT on Aug 27 2015, 18:03
Beautiful mission, I'll give you 5/5 star. : 3 she was beautiful, and 2 that you worked a lot.
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