By Black Eagle
Part 3 of the mission Defending the Grove street.
In this mission you play as Cj with Ryder,Big Smoke and Sweet. You must clear three territories where are Ballas.
Have fun :)
Sorry that iv'e got no screenshots,because something's wrong with my game.
MISSION IS EDITED:Now you must have to kill whole gang except like before when it was just one actor objective with more actors on its side.
Part 3 of the mission Defending the Grove street.
In this mission you play as Cj with Ryder,Big Smoke and Sweet. You must clear three territories where are Ballas.
Have fun :)
Sorry that iv'e got no screenshots,because something's wrong with my game.
MISSION IS EDITED:Now you must have to kill whole gang except like before when it was just one actor objective with more actors on its side.
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- Last Update
- Aug 25 '15
- Views
- 655
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- 1067
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- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 8
- Actors
- 55
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0
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Added by Alessandro on Aug 25 2015, 19:37
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