DYOM » Missions » Country of Wild Chapter 2

Country of Wild Chapter 2

By Eddy4312


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Last Update
Aug 29 '15


Rated 3 times, Average 4.33

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Added by Alessandro on Aug 29 2015, 13:10
l Give You 5 Star
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Aug 30 2015, 01:11
'Sup Eddy! Goji Zilla here, and i'm gonna give my review of your: "Country of Wild" Chapter 2 mission pack! =D
Writing: I give it a 8/10. The writing wasn't the best, but is was understandable. =) ...The missions: I give the missions a 10. I thought they were absolutely amazing, EXTREMELY fun and entertaining!! definitely a 10 for missions!!
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Aug 30 2015, 01:14
..The characters: I give the characters a 9. I thought they were really fun to get missions from! ...The action: I give the action a 9! There was so much shit going on it was INSANE!! ...The weapons: I give the weapons a solid 9. I liked the inventory of weapons! M4, SMG, great stuff!! Although,
Added by GangstaZilla203 on Aug 30 2015, 01:16
...I would recommend placing the weapons right infront of the player, so when you start the mission, you already have the weapons. And not place them at the side of your trailer. But it's alright! ...Overall review: I give Country of Wild chapter 2......................................A solid 9/10! I thought it was amazing! massive improvement over chapter 1! can't wait to see Chapter 3 my man! =D
Added by awin on Aug 31 2015, 04:32
Is cool
Added by awin on Aug 31 2015, 04:34
I give you 5 stars man
Added by awin on Aug 31 2015, 04:34
I give you 5 stars man

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