By Yalazur
hello friend , this is my first mission.
just a warning , if you're looking for a decent plot or a good quality story. well , you'll be 1000% disappointed to my mission , as this mission is completely random thing thrown together.
doesn't mean this mission have no challenge , it have. in fact , i focused to make a real hard challenge for you friend to beat , trust me it is hard (if you're not using any cheat).
so quick summ-up about each chapters:
-The Gladiator : Locked in a cage , starting from a melee fight , slowly turned into pistol combat , and eventually ending up as a heavy shooting in a cage.
-The Chaotic : Locked in some kind of an arena , mostly include evade from missile action , and car bumping action.
-The world : a mix from those two.
so that is it i hope you enjoy!
just a warning , if you're looking for a decent plot or a good quality story. well , you'll be 1000% disappointed to my mission , as this mission is completely random thing thrown together.
doesn't mean this mission have no challenge , it have. in fact , i focused to make a real hard challenge for you friend to beat , trust me it is hard (if you're not using any cheat).
so quick summ-up about each chapters:
-The Gladiator : Locked in a cage , starting from a melee fight , slowly turned into pistol combat , and eventually ending up as a heavy shooting in a cage.
-The Chaotic : Locked in some kind of an arena , mostly include evade from missile action , and car bumping action.
-The world : a mix from those two.
so that is it i hope you enjoy!
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Added by Alessandro on Oct 11 2015, 14:37
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