Bad Blood
By Grand_Dyom
Hello there.This is my storyline named "Bad Blood".
Oke,so hope you like t.Goodluck.
Story:Carl is a 19 year boy.Have a job but his life full of strange.His friend is assasin and best friend surgeon.Carl start crime career when he was fired.
I lost 4 missions.Sorry :(
Klot is my homie who making storyline with me.
FunkyRJ(For making headers)
Keshav Dhiman(My idol)
Husnain(My friend who allways help me and offer me something).
Scray Chan(This is Mr.Chan character maded from real my friend Scray Chan).
Andrej(For guy who teach me making storyline in video).
Huzaifa(Also idol).
Oke,so hope you like t.Goodluck.
Story:Carl is a 19 year boy.Have a job but his life full of strange.His friend is assasin and best friend surgeon.Carl start crime career when he was fired.
I lost 4 missions.Sorry :(
Klot is my homie who making storyline with me.
FunkyRJ(For making headers)
Keshav Dhiman(My idol)
Husnain(My friend who allways help me and offer me something).
Scray Chan(This is Mr.Chan character maded from real my friend Scray Chan).
Andrej(For guy who teach me making storyline in video).
Huzaifa(Also idol).
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- Last Update
- Dec 28 '15
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- 1277
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- Comments
- 2

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Added by ScrayChan on Dec 28 2015, 05:44
Yeah~ I waiting it! Let! Play! It! NOWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Added by Grand_Dyom on Dec 28 2015, 16:03
That Storyline Sucks
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