DYOM » Missions » Mexican Conflict (MOTW #34)

Mexican Conflict (MOTW #34)

By Chrizz

Hey Wassup Guys. ChrizzDG5 here with a new DYOM Mission called Mexican Conflict. If you like it Please Vote it for MOTW #34 and also Rate it.

Vote here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/853122-motw-34/

Story: It is a battle between the Varrio Los Aztecas and Los Santos Vagos. Play the Mission (I dont want to write the Spoilers)


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Last Update
May 02 '16


Rated 1 times, Average 5

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PLAYMexican ConflictChrizzMay 21 2016, 13:03
"Mexican Conflict"
Rated 1 times, Average 5

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Added by Ballas Gang on May 01 2016, 13:20
Added by adidas78 on May 02 2016, 15:11
You know, it is beyond me how your mission gets rated three stars and those of JibranFakhar and VenomDYOM get five stars. As far as I see it, you've got more potential and make better missions than those two, yet, somehow, they still get more attention than you. This may make me look a bit cocky, but I guess I like your mission because I feel like we are in the same situation: capable designers with a lack of attention receiving because of the fucked up DYOM community.
Added by mister busta on May 02 2016, 16:32
Added by Chrizz on May 02 2016, 17:23
@adidas78 Coudn't agree more. I think I have way more better missions than those two. And I cant understand why they have more views,downloads and rates than me. No disrespect to them but I would rate their missions 3 or 2 and not 5. Just like ur mission too it doesnt get that much attention. It makes me think that the DYOM Community has a bunch of Noobs.
Added by adidas78 on May 02 2016, 17:54
Exactly. I don't think those two are legit.
Added by mister busta on May 02 2016, 19:56
Don't worry, he'll be banned shortly. He didn't listen Andrej's warnings. And all his fake accounts will be banned too.

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