Woozie Stories: Caput Trapani [16]
By yo-g
Woozie, decide di farla finita e di attaccare direttamente il boss Josh Trapani, che dopo la dura batosta ricevuta a Las Venturas tenta di stringere nuovo amicizie a Los Santos.
Un narcotrafficante Alvaro Rodrigo e disposto a offrigli la sua amicizia in cambio del libero smercio della droga a Los Santos.
English Plot
Woozie, decides to end it and to directly attack the Josh Trapani boss, who after the hard blow received in Las Venturas try to forge new friendships in Los Santos.
A drug trafficker Alvaro Rodrigo and willing to offer him his friendship in exchange for free drug marketing in Los Santos.
Un narcotrafficante Alvaro Rodrigo e disposto a offrigli la sua amicizia in cambio del libero smercio della droga a Los Santos.
English Plot
Woozie, decides to end it and to directly attack the Josh Trapani boss, who after the hard blow received in Las Venturas try to forge new friendships in Los Santos.
A drug trafficker Alvaro Rodrigo and willing to offer him his friendship in exchange for free drug marketing in Los Santos.
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- Last Update
- Jul 22 '16
- Views
- 2700
- Downloads
- 1975
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 37
- Actors
- 41
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 10
- Objects
- 1
SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Woozie stories 16 | yo-g | Jul 22 2016, 16:01 | 0 |
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