DYOM » Missions » The Return of Haruhi Suzumiya

The Return of Haruhi Suzumiya

By Rendy Specter

After having medical treatments in a hospital for few days, Haruhi is finally healed. She can now walk and run like an ordinary human. Now Haruhi get out from the hospital, she doesn't know who was the one who paid her hospital fee. The doctor said it was The Anonymous who paid. Haruhi confused and then looking for a taxi to go to Viceport, she decided to return back to Los Santos.
Finally arrive in Los Santos International. Haruhi looking for a taxi again to go to Ganton from outside the entrance of the airport. Right after in Ganton when Haruhi about to leave the taxi, a cop car arrived and a cop get outside the cop car and yelling at Haruhi to get out with hands up. The cop's crew taking out her money and giving it to the cop.
What a surprise, the cop was Haruka Ishiyama, Haruhi's former best friend and traitor. She is back again and for unknown reason she is now become one of the members of LSPD police officers, with her crew Anzu Mazaki, and Mai Kujaku. After confiscated Haruhi's money, Haruka then brought Haruhi inside her cop car.
In a cruise between Los Flores and East Los Santos. Haruka talking s*** and berates all things about Haruhi, also forcing Haruhi to do all of her dirty works and corrupt orders that conflicts much authorities of LSPD. Because if she refuse, Haruka could threaten Haruhi by showing a photo of a girl who looked like Haruhi shot down an innocent man to death to the commander of LSPD so that Haruhi will be arrested. Anzu then throwed Haruhi out after Haruka crossing alleys in between Glen Park and East Los Santos.
Now in the alley, Haruhi found a bicycle. She hopped on and using it to go back to Grove Street. Home Sweet Home, been a long time since Haruhi had not meet Kagami again. As for welcoming Haruhi, Kagami explains some bad things in LS since Haruhi was gone. She said that the Nightmares had almost taken over everywhere in LS due to their most successful Crack Factory business.They can collect much money from people in LS.
From now on, Haruhi needs to do everything in order to stop Haruka for gaining even more powers from the moment when Haruka betrayed Haruhi in Vice City.

Skins (Put "LOT6DP" folder into your "modloader" inside "GTA San Andreas" folder)> https://www.sendspace.com/file/kzsg8h

This MP is a part of a Trilogy MP titled "Legend of the 6 Dimensional Portals", you can follow the official topic here> http://gtaforums.com/topic/801310-legend-of-the-6-dimensional-portals/


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