[MOTW #53] The Complicated Matter
By The Water Licker
Hi guys, It me again. Hey all of you I am very very very very very sorry that I forgot to give the mission name, Please forgive me! BTW the mission's name is The Complicated Matter
You are a army solidier, Your friend called you for backup, But the day is turned upside down.
You are a army solidier, Your friend called you for backup, But the day is turned upside down.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Sep 24 '16
- Views
- 704
- Downloads
- 943
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 20
- Actors
- 56
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by cute gamer on Sep 25 2016, 19:01
Good MISSION I voted for you...
Added by Grapes77 on Sep 26 2016, 14:57
@cute gamer - Thank you!, Buddy :)
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