Matando os ballas em Liberty City
By oRpAdRoN

oi gente aqui é oRpAdRoN e eu to aqui mais uma vez publicando minha segunda missao. olha ela é meio grande se por acauso dar alguma coisa no seu gta fale nos comentarios que eu a conserto é isso entao bom jogo pra voces
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Nov 02 '16
- Views
- 660
- Downloads
- 931
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 60
- Actors
- 35
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by oRpAdRoN on Nov 22 2016, 22:56
People, I'm going to do a mission, but this mission will only be for youtubers, so you'll leave there comments if you want to participate, and if you want to put the name of your channel and why the name of the channel, because The name of your channel will be used as the name of your character. Then leave your participation, Thank you very much.
Added by Rafael Antunes on Mar 24 2017, 05:50
Cara como faz pra ir pra Liberty City no DYOM ?
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