DYOM » Missions » Grand Theft Auto: SA Sequel part 1 of 15

Grand Theft Auto: SA Sequel part 1 of 15

By Rockstar Team

Welcome back, DYOM players :D I'm back with another storyline for you :) This time we're at the time when the original San Andreas ended. You are playing as Jimmy, an associate and best friend of Johnny which is the drug dealer and opportunity taker. Because of Johnny's carelesness that made both of you a marked men you were forced to leave Vice City and come to San Andreas. But Johnny still wants to do the same business as in Vice City, but on other rules. Not long after your arrival he introduces you to the Grove Street gang led by CJ, Sweet, Big Bear and OG Loc. Not long after that you start to work for them.


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Dec 25 '16


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Added by Sohail4Games on Jan 06 2017, 12:48
Does it contains all missions?
If it contains then i will download it
Added by Rockstar Team on Jan 06 2017, 13:38
All the parts will contain 8 missions which is the limit of the DYOM.
Added by Rockstar Team on Jan 06 2017, 22:34
...If that's what are you asking about.

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